18. Embedded in the Landscape with Micah Wiles of Cedar Creek Farm

18. Embedded in the Landscape with Micah Wiles of Cedar Creek Farm


This is my old pal Micah Wiles, a young farmer from the small town of Somerset, Kentucky with a passion for ecology that's matched only by the beauty of his work at Cedar Creek Farm


Micah has spent the better part of the last decade developing a food forest and silvopasture on the family farm where he resides with his parents, who run a homestead winery as their main enterprise.

In the photo above, he's showing us some of the older trees in the first phase of his food forest design, which includes pecans, persimmons, pawpaws, apples, peaches, mulberries, and so much more. To the left you'll see some of Micah's cattle herd happily grazing away at a fresh patch of pasture.

In this episode of the Good Life Revival Podcast (stream and download above, or listen through iTunesStitcher, or Google Play), I speak with Micah about the history of the farm, his relationship with the land, and how he and his family sustain themselves in a way that's in tune with the rhythms of nature, while working to elevate the local community and educate others on this path.


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19. There is No Time to Waste

19. There is No Time to Waste

17. Eight Forms of Capital and the Ecology of Value Exchange with Sam Sycamore

17. Eight Forms of Capital and the Ecology of Value Exchange with Sam Sycamore