16. Start Yesterday with First-Year Urban Farmer Greg Zimmerer

16. Start Yesterday with First-Year Urban Farmer Greg Zimmerer


Greg Zimmerer farms 1/8th of an acre in his parents’ backyard to sell to local chefs and patrons of a new, up-and-coming farmers market in an underserved neighborhood in Louisville KY. 

This is his first season as an urban farmer, and he’s bringing in a respectable amount of money each week through his small scale market garden, growing a variety of crops with a shoestring budget on borrowed land. 


In this episode of the Good Life Revival Podcast (stream and download above, or listen through iTunes, Stitcher, or Google Play), Greg explains to me how he manages to pull it all off while simultaneously juggling an academic career in geosciences, an entrepreneurial career as a permaculture designer, a side gig delivering pizzas, aaaand as if all of that wasn’t enough, he’s also a single dad with a very sweet son, who’s maybe still a bit too young to understand the value of a hard day’s work.

I’m excited to share this conversation, because Greg is one of those people who forces you to rethink that pile of excuses you’ve accumulated to explain why you’ve been putting off that thing that you’d really like to work towards — whatever it may be.


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