30. Sacred Land Use and the Intuitive Path with Steven Martyn, the Sacred Gardener

30. Sacred Land Use and the Intuitive Path with Steven Martyn, the Sacred Gardener


Agriculture was once a highly sacred art - a loving partnership between human and more-than-human, weaving us into the spiritual fabric of our landscapes and our ancestors, who still reside there.


For episode #30 of the Good Life Revival Podcast, I had the honor and pleasure of speaking with farmer-poet-philosopher Steven Elliot Martyn, author of Sacred Gardening: Seeds for the Reemergence of Co-Creative Agriculture and The Story of the Madawaska Forest Garden.

Steven has developed a deep spiritual understanding of our place in the natural world through direct communication with the spirits of the land. His vast wisdom shines through immediately in his voice and in his writing, and it’s clearly the result of decades of practicing what he preaches, which he has dubbed wildculturing.

Steven and I spoke about letting go of the human-centered worldview, and learning indigenous arts like sacred land use without engaging in cultural theft, and how those of us born into the cult of Reason can begin to develop our intuitive senses and trust the messages we receive from nature and all of its constituents.

Stream and download above, or listen through iTunesStitcher, or Google Play. 


Related Links and Further Resources:

31. Cereal Grains and Chemical Warfare: A Brief History of the Green Revolution with Sam Sycamore

31. Cereal Grains and Chemical Warfare: A Brief History of the Green Revolution with Sam Sycamore

29. How to Develop Your Own Myths, Rituals, and Culture with Sam Sycamore

29. How to Develop Your Own Myths, Rituals, and Culture with Sam Sycamore